芋頭雞丁 Steamed Taro with Chicken

材料 Ingredients
去骨去皮雞腿肉 Boneless skinless chicken thigh2 片 slice
芋頭 Taro 1/3 磅 lb (150g)
蔥 Scallion 2 根 stalk
豆瓣醃料 Bean paste marinade 1 份 Portion

1.將芋頭洗乾淨去皮切成1cm x 1cm x 1cm小塊。手碰生芋頭會發癢﹐因此削芋頭皮時手最好套個塑膠帶或戴手套。 雞肉也切成1cm x 1cm x 1cm小塊。蔥洗乾淨後切成蔥花。
4. 把雞丁和芋頭放進蒸籠內用大火蒸 40 分鐘。裝盤後撒上蔥花即可。

1. Clean and peel the taro. Dice it into 1cm x 1cm x 1cm pieces. Raw taro would make your skin itchy. You'd better wear a plastic bag or glove when you cut a taro root. Also cut the chicken in to 1cm x 1cm x 1cm pieces. Wash and mince the scallions.
2. Prepare the Bean Paste Marinade.
3.Marinate the chicken with the Bean Paste Marinade for 30 minutes. Then mix in the diced taro.
4. Steam the marinated chicken and taro in high heat for 40 minutes. Transfer them to a plate and sprinkle with minced scallions.

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/11/2013
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